

Establish a Talent Pipeline

Establishing key relationships is vital to any measurement of success. Career Services atSan Diego State University understands the importance of cultivating a strategic presencein order to build those relationships. From developing on-campus connections toshowcasing industry leadership, our team can help promote your initiatives in creatinglong-term partnerships rather than short-term recruiting transactions.

What is the value of being a sponsor?

Our sponsorship packages provide a platform for your organization to cultivate asustainable cycle of talent for the future by creating intentional recruitment strategies andengagement with SDSU students and alumni. Our staff works with your organization tomaximize the impact of campus outreach, to increase visibility and access to students, andto provide consultation with Career Services staff.

What do the levels of sponsorship include?

There are four levels of sponsorship, all designed to provide a strategic recruitingadvantage for your organization through recruitment events, special programming,heightened campus visibility and opportunities to build relationships with our campuscommunity. The "Build Your Own Package" option allows you to bundle the services andbenefits that best fit your organization's recruitment needs.

Why should your organization become a sponsor?

The return on investment outweighs the nominal costs of each sponsorship benefit byproviding intentional and effective services that best showcase your organization andattract the large pool of talent that SDSU has to offer. Sponsorship provides a mechanismfor employers to significantly streamline recruitment efforts, grow talent and reduceresources needed to find the right talent, lowering overall turnover.

When can I sign up and how long will my sponsorship last?

All sponsorships are accepted on an open-enrollment basis. Benefits must be claimedwithin the same fiscal year (July - June) in which you sign up. Please be mindful that someservices are only available during the on-campus recruitment period (September 5 -December 11 and February 5 - April 26).

Sponsorship Package Options

Become a Sponsor

Contact our Associate Director of Industry Relations Andrew Soliz to discuss sponsorship possibilities.