
Self help Strategies and Skills

 It is very common for college students experience high levels of distress and, if you are part of that group, we hope you know that you are not alone. Whether you are feeling overwhelmed, simply want to focus on wellness, or anywhere in between, please explore our collection of self-help strategies and skills and resources. 

Popular Mental Health Apps

We have a collection of some of the most popular mental health apps used by college students. Click here to explore and see which apps work best for you.

C&PS Official Podcast - State YOU 

One thing that students know is that college isn't always just about hitting the books. Working, dating, socializing, and succeeding take a lot of coordination. State YOU is a podcast meant to help you get there. Get the most out of your college experience! Listen to the State YOU podcast today.

Control Versus No Control

Learn how to identify areas of your life that you have control over versus areas you do not. You can then learn how to navigate through the differences. Learn more about control vs no control

Coping Skills

Utilizing healthy coping skills can be one of the best strategies for self care. Learn more about which coping skills are best for you. 


Being able to focus and reflect on the areas of your life that you are grateful for can significantly improve your overall levels of satisfaction. Learn more about gratitude


Journaling can be a great way to express yourself in a personal and private manner. Allowing yourself to get your thoughts out can be very beneficial. Learn more about journaling.  

Self Talk

Monitoring and reframing your thoughts can greatly improve your outlook on the world. Learn more about self talk.


Explore what values most for you. Reflect on your personal value system and reflect on how you are using these values in your daily life.