
List of Student Organizations

RSO Application Information and Dates

New and continuing organizations must be recognized annually per the California State University Executive Order 1068. The student organization recognition period each year is May 1st to April 30th. After April 30th, all student organizations will no longer be recognized and must complete the Recognized Student Organization (RSO) Application for the upcoming year.

The RSO Application for the academic year is open as of May 1st.

Please note that there are two recognition seasons when the RSO Application is open, Fall and Spring. During the recognition seasons is when staff will be actively reviewing RSO Applications.

  • Fall: May 1st - September 1st
  • Spring: December 1st - February 1st

Student Organization List and Search

To see information about student organizations that are recognized for the current recognition period, click below.

Currently Recognized Student Organization Search

Learn more about each Recognized Student Organization on Presence

To find a list of student organizations that completed the RSO Application and recognition process for the 2022-2023 recognition period, please see below: 

Questions to Ask When Joining an Organization:

  1. How often does the organization meet?
  2. What are the expectations of members? Will I be permitted to join other organizations while I am a member?
  3. Is there a membership fee? If so, are their payment options available?
  4. What opportunities exist for me to hold a leadership position? Can new members hold leadership positions?
  5. What activities does your organization plan?
  6. What made you join this organization?
  7. What do you do for fun?
  8. Any question you think will make sure the organization is a good match for you!